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Electronic Filing Overview


This section generates the necessary data to a file for submission by electronic methods to the Social Security Administration and/or  Internal Revenue Service.  You'd be surprised that Electronic Filing is even easier than filing on paper.  It is totally different than Electronic 1040 filing.  All you have to do is click on a few buttons and let our program take care of the rest.  It is simply a matter of the program creating a file which you then upload through the internet to either the SSA or IRS website.


Also See Electronic Filing Tutorial (Step by Step)


If W-2's are generated, the program will default to a filename called "W2REPORT-YourComputerName.txt".  If 1099's are generated, the program will default to a filename called "IRSTAX-YourComputerName.txt-[Single letter for type of form being generated]".  Optionally you can change the name of this file.   If a correction file is being generated for 1099s, the filename will default to "IRSTAX-CORR-YourComputerName.txt-[Single letter for type of form being generated]".


Our Electronic Filing procedure allows you to  batch payors together so you may combine multiple payors in one file and simply uplooad it.  The entire process takes less than a few minutes and is guaranteed to save you time and money.  


Click here to see a current list of states supported


a.  Transmitter Information:

The Transmitter information is maintained under Step 1 in the Electronic Filing section.   It is also maintained under File / Company Info.  Depending on the type of filing being created, you will need to enter your SSA Pin # and/or IRS Transmitter Control Code along with other information.


b. Transmittal forms

Transmittal Forms are no longer required.  NEVER FILE transmittal forms W-3 or 1096 when sending in your information electronically. 


c. Registering

Registering with SSA is done online at   For 1099's you need to apply for a Transmitter Control Code (TCC)


d. Combined Federal/State reporting (1099's only)

For combined filers, the Program will generate the necessary "K" record for each state that the payor is issuing a 1099 in.  Please note that you must be accepted into this program and applications cannot be filed later than February 15th of the following year for the current filing year.  We also allow generation of electronic files for states that are not members of the combined Federal/State reporting program.


e. Submission to States for W-2's

 In order to properly generate an electronic file for a specific state it will be necessary to adhere to the following:


(1) If the employee is to be reported for a state it is necessary to type that state in the boxes provided for State residence at the bottom of the W-2 data entry screen.  These fields are labeled either State/1 or State/2.  You may optionally enter this state in the field provided for reporting code at the top of the screen.


(2) If the employee has wages withheld for a locality (i.e. New York City) then it is necessary to type the name of that locality in the boxes provided for Locality on the W-2.  These fields are labeled either locality/1 or locality/2.


The following localities must be specified exactly as indicated:


(a) New York City  - NYC (The program will only look at the first three positions for "NYC".  This means that a non-resident may be entered as "NYC-NONR" and the program will still report the NYC withholding correctly)

(b) Yonkers - YONKERS


f. Each generation of an electronic file must be uploaded separately